7 Reasons Your Blender Is Not What It Could Be

KitchenAid KFP1333OB 13-Cup Food Processor with ExactSlice

With an MSRP of $229.99, the KitchenAid 13-Cup "ExactSlice" blend comes in #3
on our list. This makes it just about $20 over the #1 and #2 versions on our
list. This system fits nicely in between the previous two with a cup size: almostAs large as the Cuisinart, but with a motor of only 360 watts. This makes the
KitchenAid ideal for bigger jobs when you do not need the extra energy of this

Like the Cuisinart, the KitchenAid includes three distinct blade options for a
Variety of programs, but also comes with 2 disks for soft-food processing. So,
The KitchenAid in many ways will give you the extra variety of the Braun, but just
Without the same power.
As with the Braun model, the KitchenAid will require some additional work to
Clean in order to get all the foods out of the crevices and blades / discs. However,
Both models provide you with the very same issues, whereas the Cuisinart is relatively easy to
Chopping and shredding with great ease. However, it tended to have some
Because of the large capacity bowl, these kinds of

To process soft foods rather than grind down hard foods. You will find with the
Different blades you'll easily process cheeses, potatoes, and onions without
any difficulty. It comes with an extra-wide food chute so that You'll easily
accommodate whole foods.
You should also note that this model is a bit louder than the other models on our
list. With a rating around 95 dB, you will not want to use this processor while
Other want to sleep! All the other models on our list are no more loud than
Normal kitchen appliances like blenders.
One great feature of the KitchenAid that you do not get with our first two
Processors is color options! You can have the KitchenAid in anything from
standard black to blue, green, red and more (depending on availability, of
Like the Braun model, the KitchenAid only comes with a 1-year limited warranty,
But KitchenAid has an exceptional reputation and track record when dealing with
customer complaints. Unlike other models, the KitchenAid also comes with an
accessory case to keep everything neatly organized.
If you are looking for a little more stylish color out of your food processor and
Want a fantastic variety of options for softer foods, the KitchenAid is a excellent choice.


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